New Evaluation & Management (E/M) Code Updates for 2023

John Smith
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


The evaluation and management (E/M) codes are used to bill for services provided by healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. These codes are used to describe the complexity of the patient’s condition, the time spent with the patient, and the level of decision-making involved in the treatment plan. In 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will implement new E/M code updates that will affect how medical billing companies and healthcare providers document and bill for these services.

What are E/M Codes?

E/M codes are a set of codes used by healthcare providers to bill for the time and services provided during an office visit or other encounter with a patient. These codes take into account the complexity of the patient’s condition, the time spent with the patient, and the level of decision-making involved in the treatment plan. The codes are used to determine the appropriate level of payment for the services provided.

Evaluation & Management (E/M) Code Updates for 2023

What are the New E/M Code Updates for 2023?

The new E/M code updates for 2023 will simplify the documentation requirements for healthcare providers and reduce administrative burden. The changes will also align E/M coding with current medical practice, allowing for more accurate billing and reimbursement. The new updates include the following changes:

Elimination of History and Physical Exam Requirements

Currently, healthcare providers are required to document a patient’s history and physical exam to determine the appropriate level of E/M code. In 2023, this requirement will be eliminated, and providers will only need to document the relevant history and exam findings that are necessary to support the medical decision-making process.

Simplification of Time-based Coding

Currently, time-based coding is used for E/M codes when more than 50% of the visit is spent on counseling and coordination of care. In 2023, time-based coding will be simplified, and providers will be able to use time as the controlling factor for E/M code selection when counseling and coordination of care dominate the visit.

New Add-on Codes for Complex Patients

In 2023, new add-on codes will be introduced for patients with complex medical conditions, such as patients with multiple chronic conditions. These codes will allow providers to bill for additional time spent on these patients’ care without increasing the overall level of E/M code.

How will the New E/M Code Updates Impact CPT Coding?

The new E/M code updates will have a significant impact on CPT coding for medical billing companies. The changes will simplify the documentation requirements and allow for more accurate billing and reimbursement. Medical billing companies will need to update their coding software and documentation guidelines to ensure compliance with the new coding rules.

The elimination of history and physical exam requirements will simplify coding for medical billing companies, as they will no longer need to review and document these elements in the patient’s medical record. This change will also reduce the time and resources required to code and bill for E/M services.

The simplification of time-based coding will make it easier for medical billing companies to bill for counseling and coordination of care services. This change will also reduce the complexity of coding for these services, allowing for more accurate billing and reimbursement.

The introduction of new add-on codes for complex patients will provide medical billing companies with the opportunity to bill for additional time spent on these patients’ care. This change will increase the accuracy of billing and reimbursement for these services, providing more appropriate payment for the care provided.

The new E/M code updates for 2023 will simplify the documentation requirements and reduce administrative burden for healthcare providers. The changes will also align E/M coding with current medical practice, allowing for more accurate billing and reimbursement. Medical billing companies will need to update their coding software and documentation guidelines to ensure compliance with the

